10+ Favorite Plus-Size Friendly Shops
Hellurrr, internet!
Welcome to day 5 of my “30 Blog Posts in 30 Days” challenge. Even though I’m sharing this Sunday, I’m actually writing it on Saturday, in an effort to #SetWorkBoundaries for my consultant/workaholic self. (PS, if you want to join a “30 Day” Challenge, wherein I call you out for not doing the damn work in a Facebook group, and make you donate to a charity for everyday you don’t DO THE DAMN THING, drop me a line at briannehuntsman [at] gmail.]
Over the last 6 months I’ve shared a lot of plus-size fashion finds on my Instagram. I’m in Salt Lake City, working on building my fashion design portfolio, and I decided to start doing my #OwnDamnEditorials to gain experience, and eventually take on and takeover NYC.
I dream big.
Anyways, doing this doesn’t leave me for a lot of time to blog longform on my own website about fashion/style, so I’m sharing some #Content with you here.
Below, you’ll find some of my favorite places to find plus-size/fashionable clothes, because your entire wardrobe *doesn’t need to be* from Torrid and Lane Bryant. (I said it, and I meant it.)
If you want more plus-size designer and fashion sass, join me on Insta!
1. Eloquii
Y’all, Eloquii creates some truly #FashionForward looks for plus-size bodies. And, for my fellow shorties, they also offer a petite section. I’m (still) obsessed with this jumpsuit I got from them a few years ago.
2. Pinup Girl Clothing
Affectionately called “PUG” by brand acolytes, this LA-based brand sells some “va va VOOM” clothing. I’ve gotten 3 formal gowns/pieces from PUG, and I love them. (Also a woman run and founded brand, hat tip to Laura Byrnes!)
2. Re/Dress
I believe in supporting my fellow women entrepreneurs, and the clothing (especially teggings!) at Re/Dress are the bomb. Also, their Instagram is OOTD inspo for days.
Y’all, this is a HIGH QUALITY shop, run out of Atlanta. I recently got this denim jumpsuit (after lusting after it for more than 6 months). Great for when you need an upscale look for a summer wedding or cruise. If you like to support indie designers, I also recommend checking out Copper Union!
4. SmartGlamour
Okay, so SG is run out of NYC by an HBIC (hi, Mallory!) and garments are also produced in NYC — and CUSTOMIZABLE! SmartGlamour offers clothing in “straight” (lol) sizes as well. The brand also launched a wedding line that’s great for folks of all gender identities! (#obsessed)
5. The Plus Bus
Located in Los Angeles, this shop is *literally* in a bus. If you’re not making a trip to LA any time soon, they also offer styling services.
6. RebDolls
Joining SmartGlamour in the “Offering Plus and Straight Sizes” category is RebDolls. They have great basics, snarky t-shirts and dresses for folks whose hips don’t lie.
7. Universal Standard
OKAY SO, I haven’t bought one of their pieces, but I’ve heard good things. Def an upscale option. :*
8. Honey’s Child Boutique
Located in St. Louis, this shop has an online store, and they REGULARLY FEATURE MODELS OF COLOR. (Why we have cause to be excited about this in 2017 sucks, but HCB rocks, soooo, check them out!). Laetitia, the owner, managed day-to-day operations and is in the midst of building an empire — definitely #OneToWatch.
9. Society Plus
I love this brand because they put their clothes on a variety of plus-size bodies, AND they partner with a variety of plus-size bloggers.
10. Corporate Brands
I also love ASOS Curve, Fashion to Figure, DEB, Charlotte Russe and Dressbarn for plus-size looks.
Happy shopping! Please click on the “💚” to share the love.