Book: How to Become an Influencer — and GET PAID!
TLDR: Are you looking for a super helpful book that details how to become an influencer? Want to become an Instagram influencer, but aren’t sure how to make money? Googling, “How to become a blogger on Instagram?” and finding…. zero helpful info, but lots of vague tips?
I got you!!!
I wrote this book (HERE) for you! It’s $7.99, and I’ve packed it with ~20,000 words of information I wish I had had when I got started as an influencer, over on my lifestyle and fashion influencer platform, The Huntswoman!
Below, I’ve shared what’s inside of the book, who I wrote the book for and lots of details. This info isn’t necessary to read if you’re ready to just GET GOING. Snag the book on becoming an influencer HERE if you just want to get the good info and influencer tips.
Are you asking yourself, “Where are the best resources for influencers?! Why is this so dang hard to figure out?!”
I’ve been there.
When I first decided that I was going to get over myself and become an ~Influencer~ on Instagram, I looked around for books or courses on the topic. I found a few courses on fashion blogging, but there really weren’t any resources that clearly explained EXACTLY what I needed to do and how to make stuff happen.
The stuff I did find? It was SUPER vague, and giving enough information to be tantalizing — but not enough info to, you know, actually get stuff done.
I felt like I was running around the internet screeching, “How do you become an influencer?!” and getting NOWHERE.
There were plenty of courses on starting a blog as a website, but no one was talking about INFLUENCING and INSTAGRAM and SOCIAL MEDIA in a super detailed manner. Nobody was talking about how to become a paid influencer and make money from brand deals and sponsorships and affiliate links.
“Fine!” I said to myself, “When I figure out how to become influencer on Instagram, I’ll write a dang book. I’ll teach these courses I’m looking for.”
Fast forward a few years, and here we are.
“When I figure this stuff out, I’ll write a dang book. I’ll teach these courses I’m looking for. I’ll teach folks how to become an influencer, dang it!!”
Who I Am & Why I’m Qualified
I’m the trifecta! I’m a:
- Blogger/influencer over on The Huntswoman // I’ve gotten oodles of brand partnerships, including working with NIKE!
- Coaches who coaches bloggers and influencers
- Campaign manager for brand clients who sponsor influencers
Because I engage with influencer marketing at these three levels (for myself, for influencer clients, and for brands), I bring a super comprehensive perspective that I’ll be sharing in this ebook.
I’ve taken my knowledge and DISTILLED it, saving you a ton of time. If I had had this book when I started, it would have saved me years! Micro-influencers (folks with smaller followings) are making $$$ influencing, and I want to share info on how to become an influencer with you!
Influencers Make BIG MISTAKES that Cost Them Money!! Why People FAIL to Become a Paid Influencer
When I help brands find and sign influencers for campaigns, I see a HUGEEE disconnect between what brands want, and what influencers are doing. A lot of influencers don’t have a corporate business background, so issues with partnerships arise. I see influencers complain (usually on Twitter) about not getting brand deals, but then they ghost on partnerships and don’t reply to email within two business days. They leave the checks behind!
I don’t want you to make mistakes like this!
I don’t know if it’s imposter syndrome or self-sabotage (maybe both?), but I’m here to share the skills and info I KNOW influencers need to make money and do what they love.
Just like in any business, there is a diverse set of experiences and strategies for building an online platform. I’m bringing my knowledge and experience to you, the reader, and I know that other creators will not agree with everythingI share! That’s okay.
This book is meant to get you started with really helpful info and a plan, and you’ll adapt as the industry changes and social media platforms launch.
<< Ready to make things happen for yourself? Snag the book on becoming an influencer HERE!>>
Systemized Approach FTW — Become an Influencer and Avoid Being Overwhelmed!
This book is a systemized approach (12 secti) to starting and building an online platform. I’ve included information on almost everything, from choosing a username or platform name (ie “The Huntswoman”), to growing your Instagram following, to negotiating your first paid influencer brand deal.
I’m presenting it as a 12-week system, but it’s really just a program with 12 parts. You get to decide how fast or slow you go! Some folks may finish this in a week, and other folks may take a few months. You’re in charge!
I realize that other people may do things in a different order, and that’s okay! My goal in sharing this ebook with you is to offer a resource that I wish I had had access to. This is based on my experience, and I encourage you to add or edit as needed.
Here’s the 12 Week Plan!
Here’s what the book on becoming an influencer covers:
- Riches in Niches: Choosing your topics and aesthetic
- Set Up: Choosing a username and getting set up
- Getting Your Money Right: Business entities making money as an influencer
- “Competitor” Research and Your Influencer Aesthetic
- Social Media Marketing 101: What each platform does (and how influencers leverage them)
- Setting Up Your Blog/Website
- How to Plan Influencer Content and Blogger Photoshoots
- How to Grow Your Instagram & Social Media Following
- Influencer Sponsorships: Understanding brand goals and how sponsorships work
- Become a Paid Influencer! How to price your content as an influencer
- Pitching: How to pitch brands for influencer deals & common mistakes
- Other Ways Influencers Make Money
Why “Influencer Fight Club”?
I came up with this name because, as I started learning stuff and networking with other content creators, I realized there’s this sort of secrecy among influencers. These people make big bucks $$$$, but they often don’t call themselves “influencers” to their followers — and they would NEVERRRR talk about the business of influencing in public.
So, folks are forced to learn things the hard way, because there just aren’t a lot of resources.
Thanks, I hate it!
I call this “Influencer Fight Club.” Us influencers all in Fight Club, but we never talk about it. And, because we don’t talk about it, other folks can’t learn how to join.
The first rule of Influencer Fight Club? Don’t call yourself an influencer, and you must never, ever, talk about the business side of things.
SCREW THAT! I want everyone to win!
Back in the day, as I tried to find resources, I felt like I kept running into this invisible wall. I kept hitting information dead ends! I am the Queen of Googling Shit, and I couldn’t find a lot of the resources I needed. From trying to find information on how to take good photos, what to charge brands, heck, even how to get the right email to BE ABLE TO pitch brands, etc, felt like pulling teeth to get folks to talk to me.
Influencers wouldn’t share info, which made me even more frustrated. I offered to pay folks, and I’m really grateful for the people who *did* share info with me!
Fast forward a couple of years, and I found out that influencers do share this information, in smaller networks. It’s all happening in the DMs! Talking about the ~business of influencing~ can be seen as gauche, and folks slowly build up relationships over time.
Which, I get it! This information is hard won, and talking about it publicly can be viewed poorly. Folks love to make fun of influencers, thinking it’s an easy job. It is not!!
Let’s Be Real About Gatekeeping
Here’s the thing, though. Sharing information in smaller networks often means that cisgender, white, straight and thin folks keep the information to themselves. I don’t think folks set out to do this, but it is a gnarly repercussion to the way of doing things.
The unofficially official “Influencer Fight Club,” where the first rule is that we don’t talk about the business of influencing, hurts marginalized creators.
But we’re not keeping that club around!
<< Ready to make shit happen for yourself? Snag the book on becoming an influencer HERE!>>
It’s Actually Not a Competition!
All of this talk of ~secrecy~ can make it tempting to believe that we all need to suit up our Gossip Girls selves to compete with each other.
We can all win. We are creators, not competitors. We can build our platforms and wealth through creation. There’s no need for vicious competition.
I’ve done a lot of work when it comes to figuring how to have the right mindset around making money (Side note: The book “You are a Badass at Making Money” is life changing and I highly recommend you read it!)
I won’t go on a diatribe about money right now (join me on Twitter if you’re into that!), but I want to point out that there are BILLIONS of dollars to be spent and made in the influencer marketing world. Someone getting a big brand deal doesn’t mean you won’t get a big brand deal. There is well and truly room for everyone in this pond.
<< Learn how to become an influencer with this book, link HERE!>>
How to Set Yourself Up to Fail
The best way to fail at becoming an influencer, in my opinion, is to view everyone else in your niche as competition. Throw that line of thinking into the trash! The best way to fail is to go it alone!! Instead, think of your fellow creators as your collaborators. Endeavor to think of folks as potential collaborators.
We can ALL win. There is more than enough to go around!!
Who This Book Is (And Isn’t) For
This book is for people who freaking LOVEEEE the internet and LOVEEEE content — who want to become influencers on Instagram and build a platform as a content creator. The book is a great guide for folks who are interested in becoming a:
- Fitness Influencer
- Beauty & Makeup Influencer
- Fashion Influencer
- Business Influencer
- Travel Influencer
The advice I share can be applied to just about any niche, and the above are some of the most popular. If you’re not sure which niche you want, that’s ok! I have a whole section on how to decide on your niche.
This is the first book in the “Influencer Fight Club” series, and it’s meant for folks who understand and regularly use social media, and who may have a background in sales or marketing — but you’re not quite sure how the heck to start and grow your own platforms. You know it’s going to take a LOT of work, and you’re here to make shit happen!
This book is a sort of “Become an Influencer for Dummies” guide. And I’m not knocking those “For Dummies” books! They’re very clear and systematic — they don’t leave a lot of guesswork. The word “influencer” can mean a ton of different things, but to be SUPER clear, in this book, I’m specifically here to help people who want to grow an online following and readership, gaining their interest and building trust through creating imagery, videos, blog posts, etc.
This book is NOT for people who want to get famous overnight with zero effort. Sorry, friend. If I knew how to do that, this eBook would be like $1,000,000!!
This is a business. A rad, super fun, and AWESOME business, but a business nonetheless.
<< Want to make money as an influencer? Check out this book HERE!>>
Final Thoughts
If you’re considering investing hundreds of dollars in an online course on influencing and/or coaching, I really recommend getting this book. It will help you understand what it takes to build a platform, and it’s $7.99 — that’s under $10 bucks to get real information. From there, you can absolutely level up with coaches and invest in expensive courses to make shit happen!
Check out the book HERE!