You’re a Boss Ass Bitch: Course for June 2018

Brianne Huntsman
6 min readMay 21, 2018


Last Thursday, I was in the shower, enjoying the smell of my Tea Tree Oil shampoo, when it hit me.

Like, an honest-to-god lightning moment.

I should teach a class on being a Boss Ass Bitch.

I tweet and write about it A LOT. Heck, I do a Facebook Live every Tuesday that is inspired by the question, “How can I be a Boss Ass Bitch?” (You can watch recordings over here!)

As I brushed my teeth in the shower, I was like, “This is a great idea, but what the hell will I cover?? THERE’S SO MUCH!!”

So, skim on down and check out the schedule, who the course is for and what I’ll bring to the table. The goal of this course is to help you increase your emotional intelligence, preserve your sanity and be YOUR OWN VERSION of a boss ass bitch.

If you’ve got questions, I’ve got answers! Drop me an email (briannehuntsman@gmail).

Le Schedule

Monday, June 4: SETTING BOUNDARIES (Ticking People Off 101)//Do you know what your boundaries are? For this session, I’ll take you through a workshop on how to discover and articulate your boundaries to yourself. After that, I’ll teach you powerful ways to communicate them — the work for YOU and YOUR personality. (Not everyone is a bull in a china shop, like me, and that’s okay. INTROVERTS ARE FUCKING POWERFUL.)

I’ll share how to discover your boundaries (wooo workshop!) and how to effectively communicate them. I’ll also share strategy and tactics for how to handle folks being ticked off at you for HAVING boundaries, because, babe, it’ll definitely happen.

Homework: Process and complete the “Boundaries” worksheet.

Tuesday, June 5: MONEYYYY FEELS!// Do the words “salary negotiation” make you want to retreat and go live in a 70’s bomb shelter? Have you checked your credit in the last year? Does opening your banking app make your gut churn with anxiety?

I GOT YOU, BB. In this class, i’ll talk about strategies and tactics for negotiation, when to leave your job, how to live with an “abundance mindset,” and how to #LevelUp in your personal finance life — I’ll also share a little calendar with deadlines for you to slowly up your personal finance game.

I’ll teach you the importance of terms like “residual income,” and I’ll also share insights like “Money is energy.”

Homework: Process and complete the “Making Bitchin’ Money” worksheet.

Wednesday, June 6: WHERE THE GRRLS AT? (Networking like a boss babe, finding your “Ride or Dies,” & finding/being a mentor) // In this class, we’ll talk about how to network at events, taking you from “I’m going to sit on my phone and look busy at this luncheon” to “Effortlessly working the room.”

Feel unsupported or unmotivated in your goals? Find yourself crying in your car because you feel like others aren’t #ShowingUp and supporting you like you want to be supported? I’ll show you how to find potential “Ride or Dies,” discuss what YOU need to be bringing to these relationships, and how to let go of relationships that you need to.

We’ll also discuss how to find (and keep!) mentors, and the importance of BEING a mentor.

Homework: Process and complete the “Are You My Mentor??” worksheet.

Have you asked yourself, “What am *I* bringing to the table?”

Thursday, June 7: Ticking People Off |101 // Being a boss ass bitch means that you’re going to tick people off. Whether it’s in negotiations, communicating your boundaries or going for your dreams — you’re gonna make people flipping mad. In this class, I’ll talk about using grounding techniques, visualizations, and other methods to learn to accept and (eventually) rejoice in ticking people off.

Homework: Process and complete the “I’m a Boss Bitch — Personal Affirmations??” worksheet.

Sunday, June 10: Creating a Goal Map // Do you have lofty and big goals — but you’re kind of stumped on the whole “How do I take the next step?” front? In this class, I’ll teach you how to find and analyze others who have done what YOU want to do (or are similar). I’ll teach you the process that I use to “chunk” your goals into smaller goals/deadlines AND estimate time for each chunk.

Extra Credit: Complete the “Goal Map” worksheet, and share a video (or live!) in the group about your goal, why it’s important to you, and 3–5 major deadlines for your goal!

What’s the “Flow”? // How does this run?

Classes will be held at 8PM MST in a Facebook Group! You’ll get to network with other boss babes, and share your experiences/questions via the group! If you miss a day, no worries! The recordings will stay in the group forever*.

The group will stay active for the duration of the course, and will be archived on June 12.

**Who Should Take This Course?**

Let’s Talk about the Word, “Bitch”

So, some folks aren’t into reclaiming words like “bitch.”

And I am totally fucking into it.

Any time you establish and communicate boundaries, communicate what you want and go after your fucking dreams — some Patriarchal Apologist or someone who is scared of going after what THEY want — will probably call you a “Bitch.”

I’m a MEGA bitch.

Taking this word, proclaiming it and reclaiming it is pretty powerful.

Rachel Maddow talks about this when folks call her various slurs. Paraphrasing, “If you view this as being the WORST thing about me, I’ve taken power away from you by owning it, publicly.”

If you’re not into reclaiming the word, “bitch,” this course isn’t a fit. ❤

What Type of Person Should Take This Course?

This is a femme-witch-coven PAR-TAY! If you need and want to be surrounded by powerful women, if you feel like you’re ready to go kick some ass (but don’t always know where the ass IS to kick), this course is for you!!

If you want to feel challenged on old ways of thinking, success bullied and dig in deep to your discomfort around these topics — YOU’RE IN!

Be YOUR VERSION of a Boss Ass Bitch. ❤

This course is designed for women and femmes. Trans women are women, and are 100% welcome and supported in this course. We celebrate the power and grace of trans women around these parts.

Gender non-binary and agender folks are 100% welcome. I’ll be switching between she/her and they/them pronouns for hypothetical situations.

HOWEVER, if you currently battle dysphoria over not feeling “masculine enough,” or you’re frustrated by people assigning feminine attributes to you, this course probably isn’t for you. I’m down to chat more about that, so pop into my email if you’d like!

Who the Heck Am I?

Hey, I’m Bri! I’m a coach and badass business bitch and designer. Over the last 2 years as a coach (and YEARS before that), I have coached countless people 1:1 on these topics.

You can creep on my Instagram to get a better feel for who I am as a person (captions, galore!) and check out my website here.

I’m Ready to Pay

This course is $89, and has a capacity limited to 12. There are 2 scholarship spots for $29 and $49, which are reserved for people of color and trans folks. If you’d like to contribute to an additional scholarship, just add your backing to the amount paid!

Pay via PayPal, here.

*As long as Mark Z keeps FB Groups around.



Brianne Huntsman
Brianne Huntsman

Written by Brianne Huntsman

Queer feminist and activist. Designer via @Stanford. Freelance creative & consultant. Here to raise a little hell.

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